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Awards are important but not essential; they make us proud and give us a lot of gratification, but we participate in competitions mainly for the comparison and to discover new opportunities and stimulating challenges. It is the journey of growth and learning that truly enriches our experience

Vinitaly Design Awards 2024

We are truly proud to have received the Best Use of Color award for the bottles design of Prospettiva 1,2,3,4,5

In Adagio's philosophy, what matters is not only what we offer to the market but the perspective with which we propose it and how it relates to the world.

We have sought to break the mold of the "brand" to create a visual model based on perception, born from the idea of observing reality from all the perspectives through which the eye can simultaneously observe it. This fragmented font is featured on the labels to convey the same message.

An unique label, not divided into front and back, has black as the base color plus a specific color for the wine, then declined into two lines.

The "terra" line features the name of the grape variety (when vinified in purity) on the front and solid colors. The "prospettive" line, in addition to the name "prospettiva," has a numbering that identifies the specific project, while the colors of the labels are not solid but have various shades symbolizing personal interpretation.



Momento della premiazione Adagio come vincitori del Vinitaly Design Awards 2024 categoria Best Use Of Color



Logo Vinitaly Design Awards 2024 Best Use Of Color





Man In Town nomina Adagio tra i vincitori del Vinitaly Design Awards 2024



Ansa nomina Adagio tra i vincitori del Vinitaly Design Awards 2024



Bottiglia Prospettiva 5 tra le premiate al Vinitaly Design Awards 2024 per la categoria Best Use Of Color



Premio del concorso Vinitaly Design Awards 2024 per la categoria Best Use Of Color

Label usage: The bottles can be positioned on shelves in two different ways, allowing the consumer to choose the perspective from which they want to view them, in line with the concept of observing reality from different angles and allowing personal interpretation of the product.


The target market is a user curious to experiment, who associates wine with the enjoyment of a particular moment.


The innovation lies primarily in the vision but also in the absence of the collar and capsule, which can be removed due to the registered trademark, thus saving the use of plastic.


Tanks to Ey Studio fow allowing all this

Colli Berici, Euganei and Lessini Vicentini EVO Olive Oil Competition 2023

We are really proud to have ranked 1st place in this important competition in our area.

The Jury awarded us the first prize with the following comment:

The sample presented falls into the Extra Virgin Olive Oil category, potentially a DOP. The fruity flavor is of the medium-low mature type, on the nose there are perceptions of

ripe almonds and red fruits. On the palate the noble attributes of sweet, bitter and spicy are harmonious and well balanced.



Momento della premiazione del concorso Olio Extravergine di Oliva dei Colli Berici, Euganei e Lessini Vicentini 2023





Olio premiato



Targa premio del concorso Olio Extravergine di Oliva dei Colli Berici, Euganei e Lessini Vicentini 2023



Certificato del concorso Olio Extravergine di Oliva dei Colli Berici, Euganei e Lessini Vicentini 2023

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